2016/113/CE/FMPOS), and then visited all sites to explain the study context to health professionals, administrative authorities, and local community

2016/113/CE/FMPOS), and then visited all sites to explain the study context to health professionals, administrative authorities, and local community. a CHIKV infection induces an ONNV response in 80% of cases, an ONNV infection leads to a cross-reactive CHIKV response in only 22% of cases. Our study shows the importance of conducting serological assays on multiple cross-reactive pathogens to estimate levels of virus circulation. mosquitoes are endophilic, women are usually more exposed to Chikungunya infection than men if they spend more time at home than men (e.g., if men are working in the fields)6. However, in places where Aedes mosquitoes are broadly exophilic (this is more frequently observed for in rural settings), men working in plantations may be more exposed than women staying at home18. The higher risk of infection in women is consistent with our limited knowledge of the entomological situation in Mali that points to exposure to endophilic Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. We found high attack rates for ONNV while no report exists of ONNV infections. This highlights the need to reinforce surveillance and seroprevalence studies in this part of the world. It is however not surprising to find ONNV in Mali, a region with endemic malaria circulation and where Anopheles vectors are present19. ONNV titers did not vary with age. Such pattern could suggest that ONNV started circulating in the country only relatively recently, affecting all individuals irrespective of their age. However, since children were not included in the survey, this could have happened any time in the last 15 years and take the form of one large outbreak over that time period or multiple smaller outbreaks. In our approach we assumed that the titers did not decay with the time since infection. A scenario with a constant circulation of the virus and a loss of immunity would also result in a plateau in the age profile of seroprevalence, as can be observed for instance in malaria serosurveys20. Including this antibody decay could lead to different estimates of the attack rates and of the response parameters, but this remains speculative, as nothing is known about the long-term anti-ONNV antibody dynamics. To distinguish between these different scenarios more studies are needed, for instance by performing longitudinal studies or including children in a future survey. Recently, modeling approaches have greatly increased our understanding of cross-reactive serological assays. For instance, these approaches helped improve diagnostic based on the value of serological assays20, used population level data to inform individual diagnostic21, informed risk of infection based on antibody dynamics22C24, quantified the responses due to multiple influenza Rabbit Polyclonal to OR infections to detect recent infections25. Transversal serological studies can also provide insights on key epidemiological parameters, such as the attack rate and the mode of circulation of the viruses, by combining information from individuals from many locations and sociodemographic backgrounds14,26. Our approach shares many similarities with the general approach of Hay et al.24, which proposes a statistical framework to study very diverse cross-reactive serological assays. Prasugrel Hydrochloride However, the specificity of the viruses and assays used here required that we developed a unique antibody response and cross-reactivity model. In particular, we chose a zero-truncated Poisson model for the response and we specified in our model that cross-reactivity happens only for a fraction of the infections (approximately 80% of the Prasugrel Hydrochloride CHIKV infections and 20% of the ONNV infections) (Table?2). An accurate classification of past infections from a serological survey depends on the level of virus circulation in the region. As illustrated in the Martinique dataset, the classical method, which does not account for viral circulation, can classify a large proportion of actual CHIKV historical infections as ambiguous or ONNV positive. The tool we developed in this study explicitly assesses the prevalence Prasugrel Hydrochloride and classifies individual titers accordingly. Arbovirus diagnosis is made difficult by the cross-reactivity with other viruses of the same family, and surveillance of a Prasugrel Hydrochloride pathogen with a high risk of emergence is particularly challenging in regions of virus co-circulation27. In this context, our results highlight the importance of using serological Prasugrel Hydrochloride assays of multiple cross-reactive pathogens from multiple locations. Methods Mali sera samples and ethics approval We conducted a cross sectional study in seven different eco-climatic localities in Mali from October to November 2016 to map emerging viruses circulation as previously reported in the case of Zika virus28. The same samples were.