At 12 weeks after transplantation, and cells also retained their full differentiation ability, BM, spleen, and thymic cells were stained for surface markers B220 (B-cell lineage), CD4 and CD8 (T-cell lineage), and Mac1 (myeloid lineage), in combination with the Ly5

At 12 weeks after transplantation, and cells also retained their full differentiation ability, BM, spleen, and thymic cells were stained for surface markers B220 (B-cell lineage), CD4 and CD8 (T-cell lineage), and Mac1 (myeloid lineage), in combination with the Ly5.2 marker. to 30% of the active genes remain fully competent. (Blood. 2006;108:116-122) Introduction Expression of the clustered homeobox genes is positional and temporally orchestrated during embryonic development. This stringent regulation provides the basis for their function as determinants of cell fate. Several fundamental studies over the past years have highlighted the importance of homeodomain-containing proteins in the regulation Sofosbuvir impurity C of hematopoiesis.1-4 is normally expressed in human and mouse hematopoietic progenitor cells in bone marrow (BM)5 and fetal liver (FL),6 and engineered overexpression of this gene has been shown by several groups to be sufficient to induce growth of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) both in vitro and in vivo.7-10 Importantly, is usually expressed in expanding HSCs.12 Engineered overexpression of in embryonic stem (ES) cells enhances their hematopoietic potential.13,14 Together, these findings support a physiologic role for in the regulation of HSC self-renewal. Although overexpression of induces apparent expansions of Rabbit Polyclonal to NXF3 mouse HSC populations, knock-out (KO) mice have revealed the functional redundancy between several paralogs or orthologs.17-19 One obvious hypothesis is that compensatory mechanisms intrinsic to the homeotic network explain the absence of overt functional defects in HSCs lacking mutant mice. Our results show that not only cluster genes normally expressed in c-Kit+ E14.5 FL cells are dispensable for hematopoiesis. gene expression is not essential for HSC functions. Expression analysis of the complete Hoxome in these mutant cells showed important changes in expression levels of genes from the and clusters, reflecting the presence of a Sofosbuvir impurity C complex cross-regulation network within the Hoxome20,21 and suggesting potential functions for other genes in the regulation of HSC self-renewal. Materials and methods Animals Mutant mice for and were generated by Ramirez-Solis et al.15,22 Engineering of the mutants was achieved by standard targeting procedure, and mutants were produced by introducing a series of loxP sites in ES cells followed by Cre-induced recombination. and mutant mice were backcrossed at least 5 times in the C57Bl/6J strain and analyzed for the presence of the mutation by Southern blotting on genomic tail DNA digested with or or for the region of still present in the mutant and mutant E14.5 embryos was obtained by breeding homozygous and heterozygous mice, respectively. Females with vaginal plugs the next morning were considered at day 0.5 of pregnancy (E0.5). FLs of E14.5 embryos were dissected, passed through a 70-m cell strainer (Falcon, BD Bioscience, Mississauga, ON, Canada) and individually frozen in FCS with 10% DMSO. gDNA isolated from each embryo was genotyped by Southern blotting as described for the tail gDNA. Competitive repopulation assay Mutant FL cells (containing the locus Ly5.2) were thawed and mixed with competitor wild-type FL or BM cells derived from Pep3b mice (Ly5.1 for Pep3b and Ly5.2 for C57Bl/6J). A total of 5 105 cells (4 105 mutant and 1 105 wild-type cells) were transplanted intravenously per mouse via the tail veins of congenic recipients (Pep3b) irradiated (800 cGy) using a cesium source. Competition inoculates Sofosbuvir impurity C of each mutant FL were transplanted into 4 recipients. For each genotype, 4 FLs were tested for their competitive repopulation properties. Mutant E14.5 FL and wild-type FL or BM cells were distinguished by fluorescence-activated cell-sorting (FACS) analysis using antibodies specific to the leukocytic surface antigens Ly5.1 and Ly5.2 (BD Biosciences Pharmingen, San Diego, CA), respectively. In vitro Sofosbuvir impurity C clonogenic progenitor assays For myeloid clonogenic progenitor assays, cells were plated in 35-mm dishes in semisolid medium, containing 1% methylcellulose in -medium supplemented with 10% FCS, 5.7% bovine serum albumin, 10-5 -mercaptoethanol (-ME), 5 U/mL erythropoietin (Epo), 10 ng/mL IL-3, 10 ng/mL IL-6, 50 ng/mL Sofosbuvir impurity C steel factor, 2 mM glutamine, and 200 mg/mL transferrin. FL cells of mutant and control embryos were plated at concentrations of 0.5 105 cells/mL. BM and spleen from gene expression analysis, fresh FL cells of E14.5 embryos were incubated with anti-c-Kit antibody conjugated.